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This Page is still being developed, bear with us please! On this page, we will be featuring "how to" tutorials, covering wide range of subjects and topics. We will look at problems people face in each of these subject area. Subject from computer issues & tools used in fixing them, web design issues, solar energy, CCTV and so on. Issues in programming languages such as Java, Python, Javascript, jQuery and PHP would also be touched. In like manners, mySQL database will not be left out of this blogging tutorial. However, it is noteworthy to tell our readers that All the contents of this page are tailored to target absolute beginners, so If you are advanced visitor, we are sorry we are not able to provide a content for your user group at the moment. For now, our tutorials would be 100% "HOW TO" basis, targetting absolute beginners. Bellow is the summary of our content, subject by subject.

Web Design

Our web design blog treats HTML, which is markup language for the browser through which documents on the world wide web is designed. In this subject, 95% priority is given to HTML5 tags, this is because most of the tags and commands in the html previous versions (html3 and html4) are deprecated in the nowadays web development world. Click this link to learn HTML5 for web design.


Programming in python is fun! It is high level interpreted programming language and one of the simplest dynamic language easy to lean in todays computing. It is vesatile, simple to learn and much of direct English language sytax makes it a very good programming language for a would-be beginner programmer. Python is widely used across various domains, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and automation (Oxford home learning 2024). In this tutorial Python version 3 is used, We wiil show our readers how to perform many tasks in python programming environment. Want to learn python click here


Javascript is a client side scripting language for the web. Designing website without interaction of javascript with other website development tools makes such website as static as anything one can think of. While html is the building block for a website, css add hysthetical appeal to the website and places html elements where it is instructed to be. Javascript on the other side, brings about interactivity to the website. For example html submit button cannot submit the form data on its own, neither the css could. It is the javascript that will help in the submission of the form data when the button is clicked, and give you a feedback "form was successfully sent" message in return, thereby making the the whole website an interactive and dynamic one. Read more on Javascript here

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