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Lesson: Python Tupple

What is list in python and what does it use for?

Well, list essentially is used to store information. List stores not only related information, a buch of different data values can be stored in the list and organise for later retrieval, just like array in Java, Javascript, PHP and other programming languages; data are stored in list and keep tract and access the list values anytime.

Values are stored in a list with each having and index number. It is through this index that any list member could be accessed and called for further data proccessing. Without the index, accessing list values would not be possible.

Syntax for creating a list is:

list name = [values]
. In the box below, let us create a book list and do some data proccessing on it.

List of books

books = ["Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Geograpy"]


We have created a variable called 'books' and put its values in a list. This list contains four different book elements which is refered to as list values - biology, physics, Chemistry, and geography books. At this stage, we can do a lot of things with this list, we can modify this list in many ways. We can modify the list, we can add, delete, and update the list members; we can also delete the entire list.

What next?:

We have created a book list above, the next is to access the list and perform operation on its values. To see the entire list values, we will simply say:


This will show the content of the list like this:


But some times it is a good idea to see the content of the list i.e list values outside the list itself, in that case we need to loop through the list and display its contents like this:

for book in books:

And this gives the output below:



Accessing Individual list member

To access any list values in python, the index number of such list value is referenced. Values indexing in python start from 0 to the last number in in the list. In our list of books above, four books are declared, that is, we have four books in total. But when we are indexing in python, we will have 0 - 3 indexing number of which the book in the first position takes index [0] Biology, index [1] physics, index [2] Chemistry, and of course Geography occupies the last index number in the list, which is index [3].

Let us try and access Chemistry, Chemistry is the third value in the list, hence it occupies index of [2]. the command will be:

print (books[2])

the output of this command prduces the result below:


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